Analysis of energy efficiency for textile industry: a case study in a minas gerais company
Energy Efficiency. Eco-efficiency., Photovoltaic generation. Corporate sustainability.Abstract
Abstract: Transformations in which passes the global climate, attributed to the strong anthropological influence in nature, have attracted the attention of the society to the need of better use of natural resources and energy. Sustainability Engineering seeks to promote an economic development model in order to generate the least possible impact in the environment. This article aims to create a model of energy for a mining textile industry facing serious problems due to the consequences brought about by the water crisis. Through analysis and field visits, it was possible to propose the introduction of energy efficiency indicators to better control the cost benefit of the electricity consumed. Based on the culture of the organization, it was suggested the introduction of the model known as Eco-efficiency, as well as the installation of a plant for its own photovoltaic solar power generation in order to meet the demand for cleanly, renewable and economically practicable electric energy.Downloads
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