Management of environmental aspects as well as impacts in a company of tubes, sized tubes and conicals


  • Marco Aurélio Batista de Sousa
  • Fladimir Fernandes dos Santos
  • Alexandre de Ávila Lerípio
  • Paulo Maurício Selig
  • Cláudia Regina Ziliotto Bomfá



Método GAIA, Gestão Ambiental, Empresa Industrial.


This article aims to describe the application of the Management Method of Environment Impacts and Aspects - MMEIA( GAIA) - in a industrial company of medium size. The research is charactarized as exploratory, with a qualitative approach as well as quantitative that is done by a case in a industry that makes tubes, small tubes and conicals paper and sized paper. The data were colected by visits to industry, with the verification of its produtive process, research and documents analysis, interviews non structured with the managers and workers of the company as well as a questionnaire application referent to MMEIA (GAIA) method aspects. The results of this mthod application are satisfactory about the observed aspects, although the company presents some questions that still can be improved in its produtice process. One can conclude the at the end of this study the organization started the people sensibilization as well as to the processes improvement, searching ways of developing its activiteies focalized on the environmental development and on the sustentability.


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How to Cite

de Sousa, M. A. B., Fernandes dos Santos, F., de Ávila Lerípio, A., Selig, P. M., & Ziliotto Bomfá, C. R. (2007). Management of environmental aspects as well as impacts in a company of tubes, sized tubes and conicals. Revista Produção Online, 6(1).


