Performance management in the internal supply chain of an industry of equipment for refrigeration


  • Emílio Della Bruna Junior Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Leonardo Ensslin Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Sandra Rolim Ensslin Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Performance Evaluation. Supply Chain Management. MCDA-C. Decision. Multicriteria.


Supply chains are complex, conflicting and uncertain management environments, where the best alternatives are usually not previously know, they need to be built based on the managers objectives. For this reason, its decision-makers have been looking for management tools that expand their understanding in order to identify which objectives best represent their values regarding the decision context. With this in mind, this paper aims to develop a Performance Evaluation Model for the operations of the internal supply chain of an organization of the refrigeration equipment sector. The study adopts a mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches and applies them through a case study. The data collection was conducted through unstructured interviews with the decision-maker as well as specialists appointed by him and supplemented by documentary research. The applied intervention instrument is the Multricriteria Decision Aid – Constructivist (MCDA-C) due to its capacity of expanding the knowledge in the decision-maker about the consequences of his decisions on the criteria that he deems critical to the success of the company. One of the results of this research was the identification of the objectives that, according to the decision-maker perception, should drive the alternative definition process, as well as their organization, ordinal and cardinal measurement and integration. In addition, it can be highlighted the current situation diagnosis and elaboration of improvement actions, where the implementation effects of the Lean Philosophy and an Advanced Planning System are evaluated. The main contributions made by the article resides in the proposal of solutions for fulfilling gaps identified within the Supply Chain Performance Evaluation area and in the application of the MCDA-C to a real case.


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Author Biographies

Emílio Della Bruna Junior, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Formado em Engenharia de Controle e Automação pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina em 2007, atua há 3 anos como profissional na área de Supply Chain Management. No momento, está cursando mestrado na área de Inteligência Organizacional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção da UFSC.

Leonardo Ensslin, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professor, PhD

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção

Sandra Rolim Ensslin, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora, Dra.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção



How to Cite

Della Bruna Junior, E., Ensslin, L., & Ensslin, S. R. (2013). Performance management in the internal supply chain of an industry of equipment for refrigeration. Revista Produção Online, 13(3), 785–813.


