<b>Programa de integração da cadeia produtiva da construção civil: O casodo Sinduscon Santa Maria (RS)</b>


  • Alexandre Schmidt Cortez
  • João Hélvio Righi de Oliveira
  • Luiz Carlos Pistóia de Oliveira




The companies of the sector of the civil construction of Saint Maria, normally of small port, acting in the market of incorporation and construction of residentials/commercials workmanships, engaged in programs of quality and productivity since 1993, search each time facilitating to the process of grouping and organization of these information through a data base in benefit of the sector of the civil construction. O Sinduscon-Sm that in accord with the SEBRAE, she stimulated and she aroused the interest of the companies of the civil construction of Saint Maria to search new forms of management and improvement of its processes, being looked for individually to reduce the essential and the little organization of the companies of the sector. The necessity appears then of the formation of a new model of composed organization of economic activities that if articulate gradually, since the beginning of the elaboration of a product (it includes the substances intermediate cousins, machines, equipment, products...) until the end item, the distribution and the commercialization, calling it of Program of Integration of the Productive Chain of the Civil Construction.

Keywords: Productive Chain, standardization, optimization process


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How to Cite

Cortez, A. S., de Oliveira, J. H. R., & de Oliveira, L. C. P. (2003). <b>Programa de integração da cadeia produtiva da construção civil: O casodo Sinduscon Santa Maria (RS)</b>. Revista Produção Online, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v3i1.609


