<b>Engenharia Simultânea: Um Estudo de Caso em uma Empresa Têxtil</b>


  • Érica Cristiane Ozório Pereira
  • Fabiana Piske
  • Gelásio Pedro de Oliveira
  • José Umberto dos Santos
  • Rudimar Nardelli
  • Waldir Piccoli Junior




The organizations have been looking for new administration technologies that swallow won of productivity. The simultaneous engineering has belonged one to them, because it helps in the decrease of the cycle of development of new products and it optimizesit it. It still provides the increase of the quality of the products and the decrease of costs, generating a larger satisfaction of the customers. This new technology was introduced in Maju, company of the textile branch, where it was necessary the teams' formation that they described and they analyzed the flow of the activities involved in the development of new products. It arose a new flow of activities, that provided improvements in this process and that brought alterations in the systematic of working. The final evaluation was that the company won a lot in effectiveness and efficiency in the development of new products starting from the implantation of the simultaneous engineering.

Keywords: new technologies of administration of the production, simultaneous engineering, design of the product.



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How to Cite

Pereira, Érica C. O., Piske, F., de Oliveira, G. P., dos Santos, J. U., Nardelli, R., & Piccoli Junior, W. (2001). <b>Engenharia Simultânea: Um Estudo de Caso em uma Empresa Têxtil</b>. Revista Produção Online, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v1i1.590


