Formulation of price strategies in the software sector: outsourcing of development and maintenance software product case


  • Antonio Cezar Bornia UFSC
  • Priscilla Martins Ramos Mafra
  • Walter Serra Júnior



The main goal of this article is to discuss the formulation of price strategies in the software sector. In the intention of reaching the proposed goal, strategies models of prices are introduced along with the procedure to the formulation of price strategies, composed by five stages: external and internal analyses, consolidation, positioning, price strategy formalization and market attendance. As for the methodology, the study is classified as qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, documental, of field and case study, according to the approach of Vergara (1998). In the case study, the model to the formulation of price strategies is applied in a company’s software sector, being analyzed the outsourcing of development and maintenance software product. As main contributions, it is highlighted the price procedure application that emphasizes strategic price logic and prices strategies formulations, with base in the analysis of five main factors: quality, comparison with the competition, company life cycle, product life cycle and characteristics of the segment-objective. Based on the analyzed factors, a possible strategy to be adopted considering the characteristics of the product and the company is the price strategy and superior value. Key-words: Pricing Strategies. Price Formulation. Software Enterprises.


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How to Cite

Bornia, A. C., Mafra, P. M. R., & Júnior, W. S. (2008). Formulation of price strategies in the software sector: outsourcing of development and maintenance software product case. Revista Produção Online, 7(4).



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