Analysis of academic performance management indicators of IFES


  • Fátima de Souza Freire UFC
  • Vicente Lima Crisóstomo
  • Juscelino Emanoel Gomes de Castro



This paper has as main purpose checking if IFES´ management performance, measured by a set of management indicators, is related to academic performance. In this initial research, a 27 IFES sample has been explored with year 2005 data. The management indicators are established by TCU and the academic performance indicator of students is measured by MEC, through Enade. The results found has shown a positive effect of indicators related to students´ self interest with their own training, as measured by their success ratio and greater dedication to their under graduate course. In the same direction there has been found a favourable effect of the number of students-workers ratio. Nevertheless, no positive effect of the costs per student ratio has been detected as expected, considering the desirable positive influence of such indicator in the quality of education. Key-words: Performance Indicators, Enade, IFES.


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How to Cite

Freire, F. de S., Crisóstomo, V. L., & de Castro, J. E. G. (2008). Analysis of academic performance management indicators of IFES. Revista Produção Online, 7(4).



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