Proposal of an indicator for assessing the environmental performance of ceramic water filter manufacturing companies
Environmental Performance Indicator, Industrial Waste, Ceramic Industry, Environmental Impact Assessment, SustainabilityAbstract
The ceramics industry is present all over the world, but academic research into the environmental impacts of this type of manufacturing still has a significant gap when it comes to analyzing its environmental performance in terms of the waste generated. This article proposes an indicator (IAIC - Ceramic Industry Environmental Impact Indicator) to assess the environmental performance of ceramic water filter manufacturing processes. The development of the indicator combines Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with a Multicriteria Decision Method (MCDM) and is geared towards considering the impact of waste on environmental health. Its estimation is based on: calculating the potential environmental impact of waste; the amount of waste produced by the company over a given period; the relative geographical coverage that each waste can reach; and assessing the suitability of the disposal of waste generated by the company. The proposed indicator was tested at a Brazilian clay filter manufacturer. The results showed that the company's waste management is inadequate. The waste that had the greatest environmental impact was the gas resulting from burning the LPG used to fire the ceramic pieces. The novelty of this study lies in the indicator developed, which was designed to consider both intrinsic aspects of the waste generated and the company's management of this waste.
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