Lean Six Sigm and improving Accountability in decisions of the court of accounts of the State of Goiás
Social Accountability, Courts of Auditors, Lean-Six Sigma, Business Process ManagementAbstract
The Brazilian Courts of Auditors are entities structured to oversee the application of public resources, report their findings to society, hold those involved accountable and contribute to correcting improprieties through the decisions they issue. This study analyzed the process of formatting, storing and consulting the decisions of the Court of Auditors of the State of Goiás, with the aim of assessing whether the Court achieves a quality standard capable of promoting the effectiveness of its decisions, in the sense of favoring internal efficiency in monitoring the provisions handed down and instrumentalizing their monitoring by society. To this end, we used the Lean Six Sigma methodology, combining statistical models for measuring variability with business process management techniques. The results show low performance in relation to the compliance expected by the institution itself, above all due to the preparation of procedural documents and the registration of data without the support of automation that induces the fulfillment of quality requirements, a circumstance also observed in other Courts of Auditors in the country, indicating that the procedures used in the diagnosis and improvement proposal presented can contribute to the improvement of other members of the Brazilian external control system.
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