Recognition of environmental risk factors in a Reference and Social Assistance Center - CRAS - in the Sertão Paraibano
Occupational Risk, Risk Management, Occupational Safety, Worker Health, Social AssistanceAbstract
Within Basic Social Protection (PSB), which manages situations of social vulnerability present in a given location, there is the Reference and Social Assistance Center (CRAS), known as the gateway to social assistance programs and services. The large number of research on the risks associated with the work environment points, for the most part, to construction sites and medical and hospital environments. As a result of this analytical centralization, it is possible to observe the need to look at spaces that, despite offering risks, are made invisible. Through exploratory field research, this study aimed to identify the main environmental risk factors existing in CRAS, as well as the number of exposed professionals and, finally, expose workers to the risk agents to which they are exposed. After data collection and analysis, the presence of at least 1 (one) type of risk agent can be identified in each of the 11 CRAS sectors.
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