Transforming operational routines using the 5S method
changing habits for life
5S, Quality, Improvement, People, TransformationAbstract
This article looks at the application of the 5S method in the production environment of a company in the agribusiness manufacturing sector. The VICA world, an acronym that refers to the words volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, is very challenging. Industry 4.0 is full of automation, technology, connectivity and interactivity. At first glance, it's dazzling to talk about the new characteristics of industrialization, but it's still a distant reality for many companies. This distance is reduced by the globalization factor, when the company must then decide whether to face the change towards operational excellence or be left behind. The journey towards an organizational culture that is more in tune with customer needs is arduous and starts with an important step: the human being. With this in mind, the ideographic methodology was used, which considers each individual as a unique case, and combined with the Action Research method, which makes the author an agent of the educational and cooperative process, is able to provide a perspective that is not just technical. This closer contact helps to understand the impact of transforming an individual's routine not only on their professional life, but also on their personal and community life. This work makes a number of contributions to professionals who have been structuring projects like this since their inception, so that they can understand the variables that impact on the results obtained. The figures presented in the results indicators are expected to be
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