Motivations and success factors for implementing blockchain in reverse logistics
case study of a brazilian logistics services company
Logistics Projects, Blockchain Technology, 4.0 Industry, ESG, Circular EconomyAbstract
Circular economy (CE) practices are more present in global organizations, with reverse logistics (LR) being one of the main means of meeting the requirements that CE requires. Technological innovations such as blockchain (BC) enable better control and traceability of LR activities. Therefore, assertiveness in implementing reverse logistics projects with blockchain technology (LR+BC) is essential to achieve sustainable results with a positive strategic impact on organizations. This article analyzes the success factors in the implementation of LR+BC projects by a Brazilian logistics services company and evaluates the motivations for implementing projects of this nature. The research, of an exploratory type, considers a qualitative approach through a single case study, in which results were compared with related literature. The analysis highlights success factors for the implementation of LR+BC, such as alignment with the organizational strategy and company culture, in addition to leadership support, user interest, and ease in creating solutions adapted for each client. As for motivations, one can point out the interest on the part of customers via blockchain technology, structuring the generation of reliable data to support confirmation transactions and greater transparency between organizations. The results obtained, in addition to identifying motivations and success factors, conclude that the adoption of Reverse Logistics practices with Blockchain technology allows organizations to align their corporate image with ESG culture.
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