Service design proposal for building the remote recruitment and selection process in a technology company
Service design, Recruitment and selection, Experience, User, PeopleAbstract
This work is the result of a study developed in a technology company in Governador Valadares, active in the digital solutions development market. The research aimed to develop a service design process in order to propose a way to build a remote recruitment and selection process that is candidate centric. For the development of the case study, which has the characteristics of being applied and exploratory, with a qualitative research approach, the experience of the People and Management analyst of the studied company was used, as a means of collecting information and proposing solutions together, as well as a bibliographic search. Thus, it was concluded that service design has a large framework being used to build a good experience. Good experience is a decisive factor in the success of a service or product, including the remote recruitment and selection process.
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