Risk and safety assessment in the foundry process in the metallurgical industry
Casting Process, Safety at work, Regulatory Standards, Ishikawa Diagram, GUT Matrix, ParetAbstract
The metallurgical industry, crucial for the global economy, faces considerable challenges in the casting process, with workers exposed to physical, chemical, and ergonomic risks. This study emphasizes the importance of risk management, utilizing tools such as the Ishikawa Diagram, Pareto Diagram, and GUT Matrix. Regulatory Standards (NRs), like NR 4 and NR 9, play a crucial role in safety by establishing guidelines for specialized services and environmental risk prevention. Risk assessment, essential for the safe operation of the metallurgical industry, involves identifying and controlling potential threats such as high temperatures, hazardous chemicals, and ergonomic risks. Moreover, effective risk management, addressing challenges like dehydration, burns, and intoxication, contributes not only to workplace safety but also to compliance with government regulations and the industry's sustainability. Quality tools like the GUT Matrix, Ishikawa Diagram, and Pareto Analysis are fundamental for optimizing processes and identifying root causes of issues. The Effort X Impact matrix, derived from the GUT Matrix, allows prioritizing actions, focusing efforts where they are most needed. In conclusion, risk analysis and the implementation of preventive measures are essential to ensure safe working environments, comply with regulations, and promote operational efficiency in the metallurgical industry.
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