Analysis of efficiency of the Brazilian international airports


  • Marina Rodriguez Brochado CEFET/RJ
  • Enzo Barberio Mariano
  • Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto



The aerial transport is an important tool to provide the development of the national and world economy. This work has as objective to evaluate the efficiency of international airports situated in different areas of the country, using the technique Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). To accomplish that evaluation, a study of multiple cases was conducted, with an intentional sample of 26 international airports, and data referring to the years of 2005 in Brazil. Analysis of correlations was used to select the 0 variable most representative of this system and after that, it was calculated efficiency of the system for classic and inverted the borders by means of model BCC guided for output. Finally, it was possible to identify which improvements are necessary for the inefficient airports, in way to identify which improvements are necessary to operational level to reach the efficiency. Key-words: Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency, Airports.


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How to Cite

Brochado, M. R., Mariano, E. B., & Rebelatto, D. A. do N. (2008). Analysis of efficiency of the Brazilian international airports. Revista Produção Online, 7(4).



National Congress of Production Engineering