Maintenance strategy in a sugar and alcohol plant with two milling lines using reliability engineering
Reliability models, Maintenance management, Statistical analysis, Maintenance times, Sugar cane, EthanolAbstract
This study aims to analyze the maintenance strategy in a sugar and alcohol plant located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, using MTTR data from two sugarcane processing lines from the perspective of reliability engineering. The research, characterized as a case study, employed statistical modeling techniques to analyze repair times for all mill failures during a specific period. Repair times were modeled using a log-normal distribution for data on the original scale or a normal distribution for data transformed by logarithms on the natural basis of repair times. Although the average repair times were statistically similar for the two mills, the statistical analysis revealed the influence of several factors on the duration of repairs in both. Furthermore, the study identified crucial issues for the company's maintenance strategy, highlighting results with significant implications for improving the performance of the maintenance area and the reliability of equipment, contributing to the company's greater competitiveness.
Keywords: Reliability models, maintenance management, statistical analysis, maintenance times, sugar cane, ethanol.
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