Application of blockchain and IOT in supply chain management

a case study on traceability


  • Fernando Rodrigo Souza Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sorocaba (Fatec SO), Sorocaba, SP, Brasil.



Blockchain, IoT, Traceability


The article looks at the application of Blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) in waste management and recycling startups, with a focus on improving traceability in the supply chain. The central objective of the research was to analyze how these technologies could improve traceability and the operations of startups, considering both their benefits and the challenges inherent in their implementation. To achieve this objective, the study adopted a qualitative approach and carried out a case study involving eight selected startups. The companies sought to increase packaging recycling rates by adopting sustainable practices, fair pay for collectors and adequate training. In addition, they practiced green urban mining, collecting post-consumer waste in urban environments. The research revealed that the combination of Blockchain and IoT made it possible to track waste in real time, from its origin to its final destination, guaranteeing reliability, security and transparency in operations. The integration of these technologies also made it possible to generate certificates and documentation using Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in reverse logistics. Challenges included lack of knowledge and integration with stakeholders, as well as restrictions on client servers for the implementation of Smart Contracts.The study highlighted the effectiveness of Blockchain and IoT in improving traceability and emphasized the benefits, such as greater transparency and reliability.


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Author Biography

Fernando Rodrigo Souza, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sorocaba (Fatec SO), Sorocaba, SP, Brasil.

Engenheiro de Produção formado pelo Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio, Tecnólogo em: Polímeros, Logística e Gestão da Qualidade, obtidas na Fatec-Sorocaba e Gestão Empresarial obtida na Fatec-Itu. Especialização em Engenharia da Qualidade Integrada e Especialização em Lean Manufacturing pela Anhanguera-Sorocaba. MBA em Lean Seis Sigma e Excelência Operacional, MBA em Gestão da Qualidade e Processos e MBA em Gestão Industrial pela FM2S em parceira UMJ - Centro Universitário Mario Pontes Jucá. Master Black Belt, Auditor Líder 9001:2015. Experiência profissional na área de Qualidade Assegurada na Edscha Brasil, Schaeffler Brasil e Saturnia Hawker. Pesquisa nas áreas de reciclagem de materiais, logística reversa, sustentabilidade, economia circular e na interação entre o processo de fabricação, consumo e descarte, especialmente no contexto do pós-consumo.


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How to Cite

Souza, F. R. (2024). Application of blockchain and IOT in supply chain management: a case study on traceability. Revista Produção Online, 23(3), 5016 .