Discrete event simulation in automotive intralogistics
identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the chassis assembly line
Discrete Event Simulation, Automotive Industry, Line Balancing, IntralogisticsAbstract
In this study, Discrete Event Simulation was applied to the field of intralogistics to supply a chassis assembly line in a multinational industry during the try-out phase. The main objective was to develop a management tool that would allow the early identification of potential bottlenecks in the assembly line that might arise once it was put into full production. To achieve this, the scope of the work was limited to simulating the batch sizes of parts that supply the robotic welding cells for chassis subassemblies, using data from a similar existing assembly line. The management tool was created using a simulation-specific modeling technique and commercial simulation software. Additionally, the simulation model was validated through non-parametric statistical tests. The simulation results demonstrated that the simulated model could meet the assembly line's demands, with opportunities for optimization and improvements in labor balancing. These findings led to suggestions for enhancing the intralogistics process, highlighting the importance of simulation as a strategic tool in the automotive industry.
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