Approach to eliminate anomalies in the wiring harness manufacturing process - process verticalization case study
Supplier, Terminals, Process, MetallographyAbstract
The verticalization of processes becomes the most viable option for a systemist organization of the two-wheeled pole of Manaus, when its suppliers do not sustain themselves in the market end up generating the constant need for replacement, in this way this case presents in addition to the aspect of exchange of suppliers, the high rates of measurable and immeasurable anomalies that contribute to internal disorders and in their customers, that generate rework and costs over 8 years. With the general objective of developing the best conditions to internalize (verticalize) the manufacture of wiring harnesses, a multifunctional team developed an in-depth analysis, seeking to better understand the justifications presented by the suppliers for the anomalies, which always rested on the workforce, thus being identified that if the methods were better planned a good part of the problems would be eliminated. This effort has as specific objectives to investigate and classify the historical causes of anomalies in suppliers and implement actions to improve the definition of internal processes for cutting and stripping of cables and subsequent fixation (application) of terminals in these cables. In addition to redefining the methods, investments in machinery and equipment were directed to the purpose that they ensure the minimum of manual interference mainly for the process of terminal application in the electrical cable. The plan is established and the critical analysis of the external processes provide choices that unite both cutting and stripping of cables and application of terminals in a single machine and without manual interference so that both processes are completed to each part manufactured, in addition to the metallographic analysis developed in equipment of exclusive use for this type of product.
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