Analysis of the efficiency of a federal institute
the IFSC case
Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis, Federal Institute of Santa CatarinaAbstract
Efficiency is a principle of the Brazilian Constitution. However, measuring it in the area of higher education proves to be a challenge, given the subjectivity and complexity involved. The objective of this research is to analyze the efficiency of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC), seeking to identify reference campuses and the main points of inefficiency, providing an improvement process through internal benchmarking. To this end, predominantly quantitative, descriptive research was carried out, with a documentary analysis of secondary data from the institution in 2021. Since there are several inputs and outputs involved, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was chosen, which is based on linear programming problems (LPP) to determine the efficiency of productive units (DMUs) - in this case, the campuses, through the EMS Software, associated with Statistics. Correlation and Principal Component Analysis were applied to the available inputs and outputs to identify the most appropriate variables for the model, with inputs: Area, Teachers, and Equivalent Enrollments; and the outputs: Graduates, Research Projects, and Extension Projects. The Canoinhas, Caçador, São Lourenço do Oeste, Urupema, and Xanxerê campuses were identified as reference campuses. The main points of inefficiency were Jaraguá do Sul and Itajaí. It also identified most of the campuses outside the optimal scale. As managerial measures to increase performance, it was predominantly suggested to increase the outputs of research and extension projects - an implementation measure with a greater discretionary character for the institution. It was highlighted that it is outside the institution or society’s interest to reduce the campus size. It is essential to increase the outputs while maintaining the number of inputs. This research contributes to knowledge about efficiency in Higher Education Institutions, more specifically in Federal Institutes, bringing a case study that allows comparative analyzes in search of resource optimization and reduction of inefficiencies.
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