The main employment sectors in the South/Southwest of Minas Mesoregion
a multivariate analysis
Job, Unemployment, Minas Gerais, Cluster Analysis and Principal ComponentsAbstract
The present work is a quantitative empirical analysis that aimed to verify how the employability indexes behave (hired workers, dismissed workers and number of accumulated workers), for the municipalities of the Mesoregion of the South/Southwest of Minas Gerais. Thus, multivariate analysis techniques were used in order to reach the objective proposed by this study. The data used comprise a set of 14 variables, taken directly from the General Register of Employed and Unemployed (CAGED) in the year 2020, with information referring to the sectors of the economy: agriculture, commerce, civil construction, industry and services. The established analyzes were performed using the Python programming language. Among the multivariate methods used, principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (AA) were used using hierarchical (Ward) and non-hierarchical (k-means) methods. The results obtained showed that the municipalities of Varginha, Poços de Caldas, Pouso Alegre and Extrema were the municipalities that presented the highest employability index for most sectors of the economy. Likewise, it was observed that municipalities such as Monte Belo, Carmo da Cachoeira and Conceição do Rio Verde were expressive in generating employment in the agricultural sector. Finally, Alfenas, Três Pontas and São Sebastião do Paraíso were municipalities that presented high rates of employability in all the analyzed sectors.
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