Training proposition in Organizational Resilience
study in a recurrence subscription company
Resilience capabilities, Resilience Engineering, Training for Operational Resilience Capabilities (TORC)Abstract
With the purpose of guarantee the safety and good performance of organizations, Resilience Engineering has emerged as an alternative to Safety Management in complex sociotechnical scenarios. Through some tools, such as the TORC game (Training for Operational Resilience Capabilities), it is possible to develop resilience capability of employees, bring it to the teams and to the whole organization. This work aims at proposing a TORC training game for a company that works on the monthly subscriptions model. The CDM (Critical Decision Method) was used to create scenarios and game-changers to be used in the TORC game. As a result of this application, it was found that the combination of CDM interviews with the TORC game-changers method was feasible and allowed the creation of scenarios appropriate to the context of the organization and increasing the opportunity to train the employees. In addition to the evaluation of the game as a training tool, the gaming application brought both new suggestions for other applications and good perception of the players regarding the potential of the use of this methodology for training individuals, teams and organizations. Besides the development of organization’s resilience, through the development of individuals and teams, suggestions of actions for the work organization emerged, such as: formal performance measurement system for suppliers and for logistics.
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