Analysis and research of installed electric power capacity in Brazil through parametric model


  • Andre Luiz Marques Serrano Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Distrito Federal, Brasília, Brasil
  • Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Distrito Federal, Brasília, Brasil
  • Carlos Rosano Peña Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Distrito Federal, Brasília, Brasil
  • Clovis Neumann Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Distrito Federal, Brasília, Brasil



Parametric statistical control, Installed capacity, Electricity


The present research investigates the installed capacity of electric energy in Brazil, looking for a pattern of behavior regarding this theme, therefore, it seeks to verify if there is a need to implement improvements to the production process. Performance was analyzed using some statistical techniques recommended in quality programs, such as descriptive measures, graphs and hypothesis tests. For that, the lower and upper control limits were calculated for mean and standard deviation, normality and symmetry were verified. The results showed that the installed energy capacity of Brazilian regions is related to performance and production. During the 9-year period (2012-2020), not a single point was detected that exceeded the control limits. Even with the subjectivity involved in the process, the results found indicated the constant need for monitoring, providing subsidies for improving the process.



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Author Biography

Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira, Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Distrito Federal, Brasília, Brasil




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How to Cite

Marques Serrano, A. L., Ferreira, L. O. G., Peña, C. R., & Neumann, C. (2023). Analysis and research of installed electric power capacity in Brazil through parametric model. Revista Produção Online, 22(1), 2570–2593.


