Critical factors for innovation in maritime clusters


  • Ricardo Aurélio Quinhões Pinto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil.
  • Bernardo Rodrigues Luis Andrade Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
  • Júlia Maria Lago Vilela de Abreu Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil.



Innovation drivers, Maritime cluster, Porter's Diamond Factor Model


The purpose of this manuscript is to show the importance of some key factors for maritime clusters (shipping industry) to become innovative and competitive. This research has an exploratory objective, with qualitative and descriptive data analysis. It was based on studies of articles and a detailed critical inspection of publications by official bodies with the intention of enumerating the common factors among some clusters that allowed them to be innovative. With this research, it was found that the studied clusters have common key factors such as adequate infrastructure, rivalry between firms, buyer sophistication, codified and tacit knowledge, among others. All of these are studied in Porter's Diamond Factor Model - DFM. Although this study was directed towards clusters related to the shipbuilding industry, the similarity of the operational reactions of the various industrial clusters suggests that these results can also be useful for other types of industry. This manuscript demonstrates the importance of fulfilling some goals for achieving sustainable competitiveness based on innovation in industrial clusters.


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How to Cite

Pinto, R. A. Q., Andrade, B. R. L., & Abreu, J. M. L. V. de. (2023). Critical factors for innovation in maritime clusters. Revista Produção Online, 22(4), 3341–3361.


