a study applied to an industrial wastewater treatment plant project
WWTP, HAZOP, Risk analysis, Risk management, Tailing’s damAbstract
Due to the catastrophes in upstream tailing’s dams in Brazil and the consequent need to discontinue these facilities, the industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) proved to be viable replacements for companies dependent on this process. The proper implementation of an ETEI must involve a detailed risk assessment, since the occurrence of failures can stop the entire operation of a plant. The objective of this article is to apply HAZOP in an ETEI project, in a large mining company, in order to evaluate the contribution to reducing risks in its processes and ensuring better operational performance. For this, an action research was carried out in a large mining company in order to propose measures to respond to the risks found and to evaluate the tool application process. As a result, it was possible to deal with 31 deviations, eliminating high-level risks, in addition to proposing issues such as their application from the basic project and joint use with other tools.
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