Applying operational research in the context of a beauty services micro enterprise
Operational research, Linear Programming, Solver, Microenterprises, Case studyAbstract
This article uses Operational Research to maximize profits and improve decision making in a beauty services microenterprise by applying linear programming. The research is classified as applied, exploratory and quantitative through a case study. Data collection was performed through interviews to identify decision variables, objective function and system constraints. The model was inserted into an electronic spreadsheet with resolution using Solver. Decision variables were defined as the amount of each of the different services performed. The identified restrictions concern the opening hours, opening hours, service to the loyal clientele, limitation of labour, and maximum service demands. The optimal solution showed that the company's monthly revenue could increase by 206%. It is recommended to maintain or improve the maximum demands of services whose restrictions do not have slack, achieve demand for idle hours, and reassess the price of non-basic variables. The research demonstrated the relevance of applying PO in micro and small businesses and the financial impact.
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