Diagnosis of practices in disposal of residues solid in communities
Reverse logistic, Selective collect, Residues, Sustainable development, Environmental education.Abstract
Currently, the population's consumption followed by the production of solid waste has been increasing more and more. The amount of solid waste in open-air dumps affects the quality of the environment, the soil and the health of the population. This work has as objective, to present partial results of the project, for the constitution of a network of selective collection of solid residues. This project is characterized as a Case Study. Structured interviews were conducted using a questionnaire made using the google forms tool for data collection. It was concluded from the results obtained that the community is unaware of the importance of proper disposal of solid waste and garbage separation, as well as a possible recycling or reuse. In this case, minimal actions such as courses related to environmental education, health, economics and entrepreneurship can be applied to communities as a way to improve the quality of life, generate income and contribute to sustainability.
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