Geoprodutcs in tourist communities for sustainable development and social entrepreneurship

a case study


  • Maria Juliana Ferreira Leite Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Juazeiro do Norte,CE, Brasil
  • Francisca Jeanne de Figueiredo Mendonça Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Juazeiro do Norte,CE, Brasil
  • Frederico Romel Maia Tavares Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Juazeiro do Norte,CE, Brasil
  • Nájila Rejanne Alencar Julião Cabral Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Juazeiro do Norte, CE, Brasil
  • Everson Araújo Maia Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Juazeiro do Norte,CE, Brasil



Geoproducts, Entrepreneurship, Geopark, Sustainability, Geodiversity.


In a world with major environmental challenges, it becomes evident the need for planning and execution of actions that effectively collaborate in progress and sustainable social development. One of the strategies used by Geopark Araripe is the support in the development of products that rescue the identity and conservation of local heritage, using natural and common resources of the region. Geoproducts aim to intensify culture and value the territory, incorporating communities into new technologies, involving them in commercialization and ensuring sustainability and social inclusion. As an objective, the research sought to strengthen and support innovative approaches related to the territory, encouraging local producers to undertake sustainably in the communities studied. The study was carried out in four stages: systematic review, elaboration of guidelines for classification of geoproducts, preparation of questionnaires, application of questionnaires to geoproducers and case study. The results obtained proved that geoproducts create opportunities and value geodiversity of the region. Therefore, it can be used for entrepreneurship and processing of local producers, stimulating the development and creation of new business establishments, in addition to providing new sources of income.


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Author Biography

Maria Juliana Ferreira Leite, Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Juazeiro do Norte,CE, Brasil

Estudante de Engenharia de Produção Mecânica pela Universidade Regional do Cariri, URCA.


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How to Cite

Leite, M. J. F., Mendonça, F. J. de F., Tavares, F. R. M., Cabral, N. R. A. J., & Maia, E. A. (2021). Geoprodutcs in tourist communities for sustainable development and social entrepreneurship: a case study. Revista Produção Online, 21(3), 913–929.



National Congress of Production Engineering