Demand chain management& supply chain management

a conceptual framework to reach value chain excellence


  • Luciano Klein da Luz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Ricardo Augusto Cassel Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS



Demand chain management, Supply chain management, Sales & operations planning, Conceptual framework, Value chain, Fleiss’ kappa


The quest for agility and flexibility in order to improve the customer service on current turbulent environments with often demand variation, easiest global product acquisition and higher new product introductions, mainly by new technologies, it makes companies to seek for processes review, mainly on logistics. Widely and complex supply chains hitched on final customer desires in obtain their products on a very short-term period reinforce this new techniques research to improve demand visibility and become more efficient readiness. One new concept is Demand chain management(DCM), which foresees to leverage and to group marketing disciplines and review Supply chain management(SCM) concept. However, as it is a new concept, authors disagree on DCM and SCM concepts yet as well as they do not deeply describe its main processes/disciplines for them neither orientate for any implementation model. The current paper proposes elucidate similarities and differences between DCM and SCM, which disciplines is related to each entity, itsprocess connection between them and present a conceptual framework proposal. The paper's target is search for techniques in order to get value chain excellence by final customer's perspective.


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How to Cite

Klein da Luz, L., & Cassel, R. A. (2022). Demand chain management& supply chain management: a conceptual framework to reach value chain excellence. Revista Produção Online, 21(4), 1081–1115.


