Mapping of waste in project

attitude and behavior of designers for the adoption of sustainable projects


  • Nílberte Muniz de Sousa Instituto Federal da Paraíba (IFPB), João Pessoa, PB
  • Elivelthon Carlos do Nascimento Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano (IF Sertão PE), Petrolina, PE
  • Amanda Almeida de Oliveira Figueiredo Escola Politécnica do Pernambuco (POLI/UPE), Recife, PE
  • Maria Fernanda de Almeida Escola Politécnica do Pernambuco (POLI/UPE), Recife, PE



Waste of project, Generation of Waste, Project management.


 Civil construction is one of the sectors that produce the most waste, and can reach generation volumes close to 50% by mass of urban solid waste. However, its existence is linked, often to design failures, and therefore it is necessary to study the critical points to minimize its production. The objective of this study was to conduct a research project in the city of Recife (PE) to evaluate the perspective, attitudes and behaviors of designers with respect to the main causes and origins of construction waste (CCW) in projects. This research involved a population sample of 11 designers from different companies, using questionnaires, in order to understand the profile of the professionals, their requirements in the design of the works and the relationship with the causes that interfere in the generation of waste in the project. The results showed, in general, that the designers do not understand the influence of the project in the production of waste. Among others, factors such as the incompatibility between projects, the limitation of time and the lack of interest on the part of the companies and clients were pointed out as causes. It was concluded that incentive policies are lacking which aim to modify this scenario to reduce the CCW generation from the project.


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How to Cite

Sousa, N. M. de, Nascimento, E. C. do, Figueiredo, A. A. de O., & Almeida, M. F. de. (2021). Mapping of waste in project: attitude and behavior of designers for the adoption of sustainable projects. Revista Produção Online, 21(3), 709–725.




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