Proposal for the optimization of logistics processes at the port of Itajaí using simulation and queue theory indicators
Cargo handling. Computational modeling. Port logistics.Abstract
The scenario of economic growth of emerging countries and a decentralization of the global economy, in the last decades, increased the use of waterway modal in transportation, since this is the most efficient type of transportation for large long-distance loads, as in exports and imports. However, this gradual increase in demand has shown to the port terminals the need of efficient logistical management to avoid the accumulation of queues and a long waiting time in the ship loading and unloading processes. In this context, the objective of this study was to elaborate a proposal of customer service and cargo handling that minimizes the waiting time of ships in the Port of Itajaí. Based on a semi-structured interview and the monitoring of operations at the port, a conceptual model was built, and later translated into a computational model, which was validated against the actual model of the terminal's operation. Also, an analysis of the processes and the survey of opportunities for improvement for the operations were carried out, which allowed the construction of three alternative service models, which were simulated in the ArenaÒ software and the results were compared to identify the best solution for the operation model in the Port of Itajaí.Downloads
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