The standardization of work in cleanning hospital beds
an application in the context of Lean Healthcare
Lean Manufacturing, Lean Healthcare, Standardization, Hospital Beds, CleaningAbstract
A hospital is a complex organism, where the non-observance of essential factors for process compromises the health care and welfare of patients. The cleaning procedures for health maintenance involve the concurrent cleaning (daily) and terminal cleaning (made after the patient leaves). The study objective was to evaluate the procedures adopted during bed hygiene, beyond the practices involving the availability of sanitized beds proposing improvements for a process standardization using tools of Lean Manufacturing. Used a case study based in analysis of documents and observations in the place of procedures adopted in sanitation and in its support sectors. For this, made up a data collect during the period from June to August of 2019. As a result, there were aborted suggestions of improvement finding the elimination of overproduction waste, waiting time, transport, moves and stock. Regarding the quantification of waste, it is expected that one of the improvement proposals will help to reduce 416 cleaning competitions annually in the analyzed unit. The the elimination of such waste provides greater agility with regard to the release of beds, focusing on activities that really add value to the patient, that’s why hospital organizations exist.
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