Heuristic methods for optimization of electrical energy distribution networks
Optimization, Heuristic Algorithms, Optimal Planning, Electrical Power Distribution Network, Distribution System Reliability.Abstract
A rise in the rate of population growth leads to higher demand rates for electric power consumption. Therefore, there is a need in optimized planning in the electrical energy distribution networks. In this planning, the location and load balancing of each substation is extremely important in the distribution systems. The problem can be modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper, we propose an allocation model using the p-median for this problem. The heuristic methods developed, to solve this problem, were based on algorithms from Teitz and Bart (1968), to find the best location of the substations, and Gillett and Jhonson (1976), which it designates demand points to be connected to each substation. Finally, an exact method using the branch-and-bound algorithm was used to compare the computational results. The tests used several scenarios applied to the electrical energy distribution networks in a metropolitan region. The computational results were promising in terms of quality as well as in computational time.Downloads
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