Study of equipment maintenance at an ethanol plant under a RCM (reliability centered maintenance ) methodology
Maintenance. Reliability. RCM. Cane. Sugar.Abstract
Maintenance and its management are of substantial importance in the search for competitive advantage for companies. Therefore, the reliability analysis of the equipment is a fundamental part of the definition of the most appropriate maintenance strategy. The objective of this study is to evaluate through RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) a life cycle curve of a sugar mil plant located in the central region of the State of São Paulo and in this way to answer if the current strategy is the most adequate for the maintenance management. The research method used was the statistical modeling applied to the times between failures (TBF) and the repair times (TTR) of all industrial equipment that paralyze the mill operation, that is, the interruption in the production line. These times were modeled by a Weibull probability distribution and the results show that among the strategies used by the plant, the intensive use of preventive maintenance without a defined criterion for various types of maintenance (emergency, preventive, corrective and predictive) during the harvest it is not suitable. As the statistical analysis pointed out that the equipment was identified in the infant mortality phase of the life cycle, it is suggested to eliminate the main cause of the failures using more appropriate and recommended approaches presented by the literature as corrective and emergency maintenance.Downloads
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