An analysis of the efficiency of european ports using the data envelopment analysis tool
International ports. Efficiency frotier. Ranking. Model CRS. Model VRS.Abstract
Ports increasingly have a consolidated position due to the vital importance in the logistics and commercial chain of nations. In this regard, after the significant competition presented with the course of globalization, it was necessary to improve the port management devices. Thus, this research intends to study using the Data Envelopment Analysis tool, presenting efficiency indicators for factors considered input and output. The following data were used such as average transport capacity per ship, number of containers transported, average age of ships, number of arrivals at the port and the average docking time, in order to establish relationships among the 23 DMU's analyzed in relation to the efficiency frontier. The results show a significant disparity between the port efficiencies of international ports between the Constant Return Scale-CRS and Variable Return Scale-VRS. The top four most efficient ports in all analyzes were Germany, Spain, Belgium and France. However, it can be seen that the VRS model was less efficient compared to the CRS.
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