Contribuition of the quality control circle (QCC) to organizational learning: evidence in a textile industry in Santa Catarina
Organizational Learning. Quality Control Circle. “4 I’s” model. Work Teams. Textile Industry.Abstract
The companies need to improve their proccesses to be differentiated in the business environment. For that, many organizations begun to work with methodologies such as the Quality Control Circles (QCC), and also to understand the Organizational Learning (OL) as a differentiating factor for better results. The QCC is a model of work group for develop organizational improvements. About OL, Crossan, Lane and White (1999), created a model known as “4 I’s, where OL happens through the processes of intuition, interpretation, integration and institutionalization, at the individual, group and organizational levels. This paper analyzed the QCC contributions to the OL process at the "4 I's" model, in the context of a textile industry in Santa Catarina, by a case study, where the data were collected from questionnaire aplication. As a result, the existence of learning processes at the "4 I's" model was identified; and that there is no difference in the level of perception among respondent profiles.Downloads
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