Wastes in railway maintenance
losses due to waiting times at the ponta da madeira railway terminal in São Luís, Maranhão
Waste, Wait, Railroad, Lean Philosophy, Railway Maintenance.Abstract
The management philosophy of Lean Manufacturing can be applied in order to increase the efficiency of rail maintenance, mainly with the identification of waste, since the costs in this modal are expressive. This study aims to analyze the wastes present in the processes of maintenance of railway track of Ponta da Madeira Railway Terminal. Therefore, a action research was developed in the railway track sector of the terminal, where a multinational operates in the iron ore flow and other products. The conduction of the study in the identification of waste occurred in accordance with the Lean philosophy approach and with the application of quality tools. When analyzing the waste due to waiting for release of the work in the Via Permanente sector, it was proposed the implementation the prioritization system to address the problems identified. In adsition, proposals for solution and or control were elaborated, among which the definition of indicators regarding waiting times of the maintenance teams stands out.
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