Circular economy: the case of waste from civil construction caririense
Circular Economy. Sustainability. Demolition. Waste. Civil Construction.Abstract
The application of the Circular Economy (CE) in the construction sector proposes a productive configuration that can diminish the degrading potential of activities developed in this area. The concepts of the Circular Economy and Sustainability seeks to promote the interrelationship between the economic system and the environment, as it is concerned with the destination of Solid Waste. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to analyze the principles of the Circular Economy in the Cariri cearense civil construction sector. For that, two case studies were carried out, one in a Manufacturer and distributor of gypsum plasterboard and the other is a manufacturer and installer of aluminum frames. The companies showed a high degree of concern with the environment and from the information collected it was possible to develop a flowchart of the production chain by each company. Finally, it was observed that the CE establishes a balance between the dynamics of profitability and the environment by reducing the waste and realized that, implement the concept, it is necessary that the interest of both entrepreneurs and consumers. It is hoped that this study will contribute to an understanding of the concept of CE and its importance for the construction industry, minimizing, like this, the amount of waste in the environment.Downloads
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