Multicriteria decision support on prioritizing routes for urban transport
Multicriteria Decision. Urban Public Transport Problem. ELECTRE I.Abstract
Among the major challenges that rapid urbanization phenomenon imposes we found the urban transport planning. In this regard it important to create strategies that allow good choices in to give a better comfort to the users and employees of this service. One of the most recurrent problems is the routes definition, considering the attendance capability with greater quantity of demand points and minimizing the route time and length. It is relevant for the urban transport planning process, to make the decision of which routes are the best, according to all these criteria. Intending to contribute to the selection and prioritization of urban bus routes, this paper proposes a model based on the multicriteria decision support method, ELECTRE I. To carry out this analysis, four alternative routes were studied considering 5 performance criteria, namely: Routes set length; Travel time (round trip) in the route set; Potential demand of the routes set; Capacity of the most loaded segment of the route set and Capacity of the most loaded portion of the route set. This model is applied in an urban transport network, already studied in previous researches. As a result, alternative 1 stands out as the most relevant, presenting the shortest length and travel time, considering the greater potential demand among all routes.Downloads
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