Use of multicritery modeling to support the decisor in the risk classification of third party companies


  • Gleibson Robert da Luz Soares Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Marcos Felipe Falcão Sobral Doutor em Engenharia de Produção - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Rodolfo Araújo de Moraes Filho Rodolfo Araújo de Moraes Filho, PhD PhD em Administração - IAE Genobre - France



ELECTRE TRI. Risk management. Outsourcing. Risk rating. Multicriteria support the decision.


The risk classification of outsourced companies is of fundamental importance for the contracting companies to define their actions to mitigate the risks. However, risk classification processes often involve several criteria that may not be able to list them, but companies use risk management with third parties to analyze third-party firms and identify which risks are to be observed or are most important to the company. To help with this problem, it is proposed to use the multicriteria decision support method, ELECTRE TRI, as a support in the risk classification process of outsourced companies, supported by Bernhoeft's risk management with third parties. This will enable companies to classify risk outsourcers and support their decisions to mitigate the risks involved in the contractor and contractor relationship.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Felipe Falcão Sobral, Doutor em Engenharia de Produção - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Professor adjunto da área de Administração da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (Departamento de Administração-DADM).

Rodolfo Araújo de Moraes Filho, Rodolfo Araújo de Moraes Filho, PhD PhD em Administração - IAE Genobre - France

Professor Associado IV da área de Administração da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (Departamento de Administração-DADM).


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How to Cite

Soares, G. R. da L., Sobral, M. F. F., & Moraes Filho, R. A. de. (2020). Use of multicritery modeling to support the decisor in the risk classification of third party companies. Revista Produção Online, 20(1), 296–315.


