Value stream mapping: case study in the manufacture of pet food products


  • Débora Bianco Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)
  • Júlio Cesar dos Santos Junior
  • Juliana Keiko Sagawa Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)
  • Moacir Godinho Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)



Lean production. Lean Manufacturing. Value stream mapping (VSM). Case study. Waste.


Lean methodology has been implemented in organizations to improve processes and reduce waste, thus improving competitiveness and performance. In order to maintain lean manufacturing, several tools can be implemented in the organization, one of them being Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Thus, the present study aims to map the flow of value of the manufacture of extruded pet food products, thus identifying the wastes inherent to the same and proposing improvements. The research method used was the case study, which allowed the in-depth analysis of the productive process in a large organization. With the application of the VSM we obtained as a result the map of the current state and after the analysis the map of the future state. Suggestions for improvement included synchronizing production while adopting Kanban and supermarkets to introduce the pulled production flow. Finally, there was a reduction of lead time to 13,8 days for 6.13 days and the number of operators to 17 for 12. From the study, one can identify gaps for future research.


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Author Biography

Débora Bianco, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)

Departamento de engenharia de produção. Pesquisa na área de planejamento e controle da produção.


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How to Cite

Bianco, D., Junior, J. C. dos S., Sagawa, J. K., & Godinho, M. (2019). Value stream mapping: case study in the manufacture of pet food products. Revista Produção Online, 19(4), 1345–1368.


