Reverse logistics and recycling cooperatives: an exploratory study under the theoretical lens of the business model




Reverse logistic. Business model. Triple Layer Business Model Canvas (TLBMC). Recycling Cooperative.


In urban areas the process of collecting recyclable material takes place through the collectors' cooperatives. Recyclable waste collectors act as important reverse logistics distribution channels, which is characterized as the area of business logistics that plans, operates and controls the flow and logistical information corresponding to the return of after-sales and after- consumption to the business cycle or to the production cycle, through the reverse distribution channels, adding them value of several natures: economic, ecological, legal, logistic, corporate image, among others The objectives of this research are to analyze the creation of value economic, social and environmental aspects of post-consumer reverse logistics channels using the "Triple Layer Business Model Canvas (TLBMC)" and what are the benefits to the reverse logistics of the agreement between cooperatives, companies and manufacturers' associations. The qualitative approach will be used in this research, and the method to be employed is the multiple case study, where more than one object of study will be considered, with an exploratory and descriptive character. The objectives were achieved, the main social, environmental and economic characteristics were recorded.


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How to Cite

Okano, M. T., & Panza, G. B. (2020). Reverse logistics and recycling cooperatives: an exploratory study under the theoretical lens of the business model. Revista Produção Online, 20(2), 521–545.


