Use of the hierarchical analysis method for competitiveness evaluation: a case study applied in a clothing industry in Parana State – Brazil
Decision making. Competitiveness. AHP method.Abstract
The decision making process relies on the necessity of interaction between managers aiming at the better solution among possible alternatives. Thus, the objective of this paper is to present an importance scale among five performance criteria combined with fifteen alternatives to improve business competitiveness. Therefore, AHP method was used as an analytical instrument. That multicriteria tool aids the decision making and the solution of complex problems. The case study is quali-quantitative with exploratory character. It was carried out in a clothing industry located in Western Parana state (Brazil). The state holds the second largest clothing pole in the country. The research results suggest that the most important criteria comprehend quality and flexibility, both with representativeness of 38%. In regard to the most important alternatives, results point out the ease to altering production scheduling, with representativeness of 71%, followed by alternatives of reduction of failures in products and processes with 67% and labor qualification with representativeness of 65% among the other alternatives to reach the goal of improving the company performance and competitiveness.Downloads
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