Application of intelligent interfaces for flexibility and optimization in car assembly line: a study at the Ancheta’s plant of Volkswagen of Brazil


  • Ricardo Kenji Oi Universidade Católica de Santos
  • Débora Agráz Cutino Nogueira Universidade Católica de Santos
  • José Fontebasso Neto Universidade Católica de Santos
  • Cláudio Rodrigo Torres Universidade Metodista
  • João Inácio da Silva Filho Universidade Santa Cecília



Identification, Constraints, Intelligent interfaces, Decision, Flexibility


This article presents a study to obtain the flexibility of the assembly lines in the Anchieta´s plant of Volkswagen of Brazil. Four Intelligent interfaces were used to implement the flexibility to control constraints and distributions of the same car model produced in two assembly lines, obeying the technical restrictions for some specific finishes and pursuit of the goal of production in these two lines. These interfaces are responsible for making the identification of the product, analyze technical constraints, ensure that there is no production order duplicate and calculate the amount circulating in the volume between the start point mounting to the point of choosing line. This implementation was key to the company could use two assembly lines to produce the basic Gol model, thus reaching its daily production target and optimizing its production process.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Kenji Oi, Universidade Católica de Santos

Coordenador do curso de Engenharia de Produção
Lider do grupo de pesquisa GPOLog

Débora Agráz Cutino Nogueira, Universidade Católica de Santos

Professora do curso de Engenharia de Produção

Integrante do grupo de pesquisa GPOLOG

José Fontebasso Neto, Universidade Católica de Santos

Professor do curso de Engenharia de Produção

Integrante do grupo de pesquisa GPOLOG

Cláudio Rodrigo Torres, Universidade Metodista

Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica

João Inácio da Silva Filho, Universidade Santa Cecília

Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica


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How to Cite

Oi, R. K., Agráz Cutino Nogueira, D., Fontebasso Neto, J., Torres, C. R., & da Silva Filho, J. I. (2020). Application of intelligent interfaces for flexibility and optimization in car assembly line: a study at the Ancheta’s plant of Volkswagen of Brazil. Revista Produção Online, 20(3), 749–771.


