Lean manufacturing implementation evaluation: case study in the maintenance sector of a big steelworks
Lean Manufacturing. Toyota Production SystemAbstract
Lean Manufacturing has proven to be an important management tool for organizations aiming at competitiveness in an increasingly demanding and informed market. This article presents an evaluation of the degree of implementation of the lean philosophy in the component maintenance sector in a central workshop located in a large steel mill located in the state of Minas Gerais. To accomplish this goal, visits were conducted in the sector and semi-structured interviews were conducted with the team that works on the philosophy implementation program with employees. Annexes to the interviews were carried out checklists that evaluated quantitatively the tools implemented, thus generating a graph of the degree of implementation of the same. Despite a certain degree of subjectivity inherent to the qualitative evaluation process, it is possible to identify in the article the current degree of implementation of the philosophy, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, signaling aspects that deserve special attention in the process of improvement of the lean model.Downloads
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