The purchase process: a theoretical study of its relationship with the production cycle of the clothing industry
Purchase Process. Clothing Industry. Productive Cycle.Abstract
The purchase area has strategic importance for the business of the various sectors, including for the clothing industries, which requires a look under its specificities. This article aims to analyze how the purchasing process is inserted in the productive cycle of the clothing industry, identifying the existing relationships with other processes. The design used was an exploratory research of qualitative character, from the search in existing publications on the subject. It was found that there are gaps in the purchasing process in fashion publications, that the purchasing sector works together with other sectors with the purpose of supplying the short production cycle, that this sector is responsible for creating important information for the process productive. From this the study presents a scheme that contemplates the insertion of the purchasing process in the productive cycle of the clothing industry. This result is important because it emphasizes the importance of the shopping area for the apparel sector and consequently benefits the discussions around the supply chain.Downloads
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