Proposal for improvement in a emergency care using lean approach and system dynamics


  • Francisca Goedert Heiderscheidt
  • Fernando Antônio Forcellini
  • Rafael Ariente Neto



Lean Healthcare. Value Stream Mapping. System Dynamics. Dynamic modeling. Emergency Care.


The health is a right of everyone and should provide efficient care that gives satisfaction to the patient, however, health systems are full of inefficiencies. Lean is a set of principles which aim to create the most value from the point of view of consumers, using minimal resources. Among the health provider institutions, is an emergency care where there is patient dissatisfaction due to the compromised system performance and from a diagnosis of this current situation, this work was developed. So, the aim of this study is to propose improvements in an emergency care, using system dynamics and value stream mapping. Between the diagnosis of the situation as is happening today and how this should be, we used the concepts of system dynamics that through dynamic modeling helps to understand how the system in focus evolves over time and how changes in their parts affect his whole behavior, also helps to propose an ideal future state containing improvements more likely to be successful in their implementations.


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How to Cite

Heiderscheidt, F. G., Forcellini, F. A., & Neto, R. A. (2019). Proposal for improvement in a emergency care using lean approach and system dynamics. Revista Produção Online, 19(4), 1231–1261.


