Application of project management techniques in the development and enhancement of an alternative multicultural festival without profit in Brazil


  • Vinícius Schmitt Universidade Metodista do Sul



Multicultural festival. Project management techniques. Project and development of services. Counterculture. Non-profit.


Due to the increasing expansion of the independent cultural scene in Brazil, different forms of expressing and representing these demands that emerge at the heart of the society appear every day, branching out in several exponents, among which there are multicultural festivals. The counterculture does not have as its main objective the generation of profit, due to this characteristic, it is a deficiency of management, where control and planning are not considered as critical factors in the development of these festivals. The objective of this research is to identify the best techniques for application in the project management for the development and improvement of an alternative non-profit multicultural festival. This study was set in the pursuit of this goal through the real immersion in the development and monitoring of two festivals in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the application and interpretation of a questionnaire answered by 60 organizers of various festivals throughout the Brazilian territory. It was possible to delineate the management profile at multicultural festivals, as well as its internal and external challenges. Although faced with initial difficulties, the goal was achieved and the application of the tools in the festivals followed was a great success with highly positive results and gains for the organizers, increasing the quality, control and autonomy regarding the production of the events.


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How to Cite

Schmitt, V. (2020). Application of project management techniques in the development and enhancement of an alternative multicultural festival without profit in Brazil. Revista Produção Online, 20(4), 1088–1125.


