Application of the post-keynesian postulate in the state Of Rio de Janeiro through a cluster analysis
Cluster Analysis. Preference for liquidity. Regional development.Abstract
The debate about the role of money in the local economy and development has only been growing over the years. In the literature, many authors argue that currency is neutral; on the other hand, many others, based on the post-Keynesian theory, consider that the non-neutrality of the currency can help increase or decrease inequality in local development, meaning that currency would be endogenous to the economic system. Therefore, in this line of thought, this article aims to verify the degree of liquidity preference of banks and people in the clusters of cities located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. From a multivariate cluster analysis and based on the post-Keynesian theory, it was possible to observe the discrepancy in the degree of preference among clusters. Generally, the more developed the cluster of cities is, the lower the degree of liquidity preference, either from the banks or from the people, making it clear that the center of the regions tends to concentrate the banks' credit availability and the use of these credits by the people.
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