Application of the SERVPERF model to evaluate the services offered by the Albinos restaurant in the municipality of Itaperuna / RJ
Quality of Services. Relationship Marketing. SERVPERF. Questionnaire.Abstract
The objective of this work is to analyze the importance of the perception of the quality of the service provided by the restaurant Albinos in themunicipalityofItaperuna RJ. In order to base this paper, a customer satisfaction survey was developed, taking into consideration the service provided, the quality of the service, speed of the delivery process, reliability, comfort, safety and price. Data collection was carried out through the elaboration of a questionnaire based on scientific studies and the dimensions of the SERVPERF service performance model, using the 5-point Likert scale. The study aimed to prove that although customer satisfaction depends on a set of factors, direct customer service can become one of the biggest differentials in providing a service or customer service, based on ethical and moral principles, followed by courtesy and empathy. Based on the data, it was possible to evaluate and quantify the quality of the services under the clients' vision and to suggest proposals for improvements so that the company achieves competitive advantage.
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